Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Photoessay #2070 - Inner Circle celebrates

I have a big smile on my face as I write this.  Here's the Inner Circle this morning as we met to read our pieces and celebrate Sally's birthday.  Don't they say it's a woman's perogative to state her age?  Let's just say that this birthday is the same as the one that I recently celebrated.

Sally holds up the flowers, the gluten free cupcakes and the plates that April brought for all of us that we could use to celebrate all of our future birthdays.

But look at the smiles on these faces.  This group started in an autobiography class nearly two years ago and we're still together big time.

I think it's the happiest group I've seen in a long time!

All kinds of family are about to descend upon me....

Many many many thanks to my friend Anne who AGAIN reviewed my long devotional exercises paper.  I'm getting through them, I am, I am.  What a huge job.  Who's idea was it to write too long history papers, anyway?  Mine, all mine.

I am truly grateful for the help.

Today would  have been my mom's 88th birthday.  I'm thinking of you mom!

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