Monday, June 4, 2012

Photoessay #2068 - Mexican Suitcase

We are seriously behind in our SIFF attendance.  Nope, we are not going to make it; we won't use our two six-packs of tickets.

Looking at the next week until the end of the three week festival, the only time we can identify an open space between work and a whole bunch of events was Saturday afternoon.  We just couldn't find anything that would work there.

We're squeezing in a Turkish movie this evening.

So far we've seen
Six million and one - an Israeli film about four siblings returning to the site of their father's imprisonment in the Holocaust

The Painting - French animated film with Melina but Dennis bought those tickets separately.  Very beautiful

Otelo Burning - Tragic South African apartheid movie featuring surfing (seriously)

A Cube of Sugar - Iranian family ensemble piece.  Very good hearted.  Probably my favorite this year.  We try to go with our friends Mary Ann and Pat.  But communication hasn't been so hot and we've made last minute plans.  We found out that we had BOTH gone to the same film and didn't know it.

Mexican Suitcase - last night with Mary Ann and Pat.  An interesting documentary that went too many directions leaving the audience a bit baffled about where they had just been.  A suitcase containing thousands of negatives about the Spanish Civil War was discovered in Mexico.  A lot of things I didn't know about, the concentration camps of Spanish refugees on French beaches.  Huge migration of refugees of the Civil War to Mexico.  I think it would have been better if the film had just focused on the pictures rather than getting involved with the International Center for photography, testimony from elder refugees now in Mexico, young people searching for their grandparents.  Just too confusing.  Too much, just too much.

Picture is one of the pictures found in the Mexican Suitcase.

Had some great coconut ice cream had Thai Ginger before the movie....

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