Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photoessay #2064 - Special seeds

Last year, on a trip to California, we stopped at my husband's Aunt Eliza's winery, J. Rickard's Winery in the Alexander Valley.  Beautiful spot, the grandeur of California.  She gave us the tour and I offered her a letterbox to put in their tasting room.  She loved it.  Not a lot of people have found it but some have.  And they mention that they bought a bottle of wine.  So it's helped a little.

Aunt Eliza gave us some packets of wildflower seeds.  I did just clean up the daffodils.  Why not use them?  I know, these are California wildflowers and they'll probably just rot out in our damp conditions.  Give it a try.

Nice job on the design for the packets.  So colorful to look at.

I was going to work on my devotional exercise piece, I'm having such trouble with.  Instead I've worked on my 'not white piece for Theo's anthology all darn day.  It's better, always better.

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