Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Photoessay #2063 - 'Overlake Complex

This fits into the 'nobody is safe' category.

This morning I helped a friend at Parent Group.  She had hip surgery a few weeks ago.  She needed some transportation help...from her followup appointment back to the rehab facility.

We all need this kind of help sometimes.

It was in the Overlake Hospital complex in Bellevue...I've seen it, maybe I've been there before, who knows?

I experienced the normal confusion driving in, what big building was it?  What parking lot?  Was there a place I should park if I'm picking up a patient recovering from surgery with limited mobility.\?  The parking folks were not particularly helpful, I'm sure I'm doing the weaving-around-I'm-lost thing.  My friend had given me a hint that though the doctor's office was at 510 in the Medical Tower, maybe it actually had moved to 710 somewhere else.

So I'm in Level x of what parking lot?  I go on the hunt and sure enough, the practice had moved from Medical Tower to the Pavilion.  Which was where?

After awhile, I found it.  And found her.  And, after more negotiation with the parking people, got her in the car.  We did the requisite 'getting lost in Bellevue' thing.  But eventually found the rehab place.  A giant truck managed to somehow block three entrances to the parking lot each time we tried to get in.

But I got her back.  She's exhausted and I go home.

But I did find this cool aerial map from the Overlake Medical Pavilion site.

Figure I live about 10-12 miles to the right of the Seattle CBD.  I came around the lake.  The rehab place was maybe towards the right and bottom of the image.

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