Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Photoessay #2062 - Sandy at sixty

I had to do this head shot anyway.  I'll have a short piece published in Your Teen, which is print and on-line out of northern Ohio.  How did I find them?  Months ago when I was spending more time placing my finished pieces (rather than being mired in Maier), I just goggled "parenting teens journals" or similar and wrote them cold.

They wrote back; they were looking for parents who were coping with prescription drug and/or heroin abuse in their teens.  Turns out I knew such people; they each wrote short pieces that were accepted.

They look for short (800) word 'parenting experience' essays.  So I took a 3k word piece and really (I mean really!) cut it down.  Sent it in, didn't hear anything until last week.

But they want a head shot.  Gulp.  So I convinced Dennis to take a picture, I tried to fix my hair, put some makeup on.  Put some my pretty pink rhody bush as background.  Decided not to wear my glasses, even though I have some kind of glasses on a lot.

So here's our best effort.  Reasonably ok considering.

So, in a act of true bravery I post this picture plus my age.

Interesting, these last several months, when I have chat with others my same age, they all say "have you had that birthday yet?"  And we all know what that means.

I know that none of us could imagine ourselves at sixty back in the day.  Can we imagine our children at sixty?

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