Monday, May 28, 2012

Photoessay #2061 - SIFF

On Saturday, we took Melina to a movie (The Painting)  at SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival).  Runs for about 3 weeks.  459 films.  They always have a snappy little intro that they run before each film.  During that showing, I put up my camera and took stills as it ran.

Again on Auto.   This one came out the best.  An example of what they throw at you real fast and a whole bunch of it.

Naomi was here; we mowed the front lawn; definitely a team effort.  Other than that I've been working on my 'not white' piece which will be in Theo's second anthology.  I've also returned to the main Maier Zunder paper for another revision.  Anne read the whole devotional exercise paper, it still needs a preface and a snappy scene to get interest.  It's a good start but still needs a lot of work.

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