Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Photoessay #2000 - Florida beach?

Get a load of that post number!  Not at all sure it's accurate because I lose touch of numbering reality from time to time.

I think I have a theme going here.  Yesterday I posted Matt's picture of the beach near Los Angeles.  Today I'm looking forward to our trip in about a month to Michigan and on to St. Augustine Florida.  Where there's a very nice beach from what I hear.

I'm not a huge beach person, I could go here if I wanted, plenty of waterfront on the Sound within a 15 minute drive.  Probably my most disgraceful beach behavior....about 12 years ago, I took my daughters and Jonathan from next door to Ocean Shores on the Washington coast.  In Washington, the beaches are considered a highway.  You can drive on the beach!  Appalling!  So I had 4 kids with me ages 10-15.  Really no problem.  Susanna and Jonathan were determined to make the biggest sandcastle ever.  Their idea was to work all day on a masterpiece.  I believe she ruined a bunch of Dennis painting tools doing ti but no matter.  But the wind bites; it feels so rough on that beach.  I couldn't stand being on the beach for a long period, too raw.  So, gulp, I admit it.  I couldn't leave the kids unattended.  So I drove the car onto the beach and sat in the car.  What a horrible confession.  What awful person would do that?

But I like the water and the coast.  I'm hoping that this will be an easy relaxing place.  Relaxation has really become a huge priority for us.  I know that sounds weird but...

So it looks nice in the pictures and the first week of May is supposed to be perfect weather.

Reminds me of the 'Place of Refuge' that I visited on the Big Island Hawaii 16 months ago or so.  A place of safety; it resonated for me.

But for now, we are just trying to keep the whole act together.  So far so good!

Picture used without permission from the Wandering Trader website.

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