Thursday, March 29, 2012

Photoessay #2001 - Put him to work!

Serious, some piece of hardware like this could really help our current operational problem. Getting groceries out of the car, up the front steps and up the half flight of stairs to the kitchen. Sounds easy enough but with our current situation, um, rather challenging. I could put Teddy to work!

Yes, great idea, make that dog work. We don't have a set up that will work with a pulley or a sled. But dog saddlebags or back pack. If we could get the right shape, he could carry in the groceries. And other things. You would still have to go hook up the dog and load up the items into the pockets. Then have Teddy carry it up the stairs. It could work!

Of course, we could just carry up the bags ourselves like we've done for the last 25 years we've lived in this house. But no! Bad idea!

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