I even know some. For the last year or so, I've been corresponding with Sue G. my third cousin. I'm descended from Clara Lederer (my great grandmother) and she from Clara's brother Julius. She's done a ton of work on that side of the family. She found me on facebook and was thrilled to find some of Clara's descendants. Which brought the rest of my family. I sent her some things that I had including a picture of Julius. We sent her the scan of the big bar mitzvah picture that my sister has. And for the crowning glory, we sent her the big shoe box of pictures from my cousin Mary Ann's baement. Lederers GALORE!
So I heard from a fellow Ross who I think is related from my grandmother's cousin Regina. So he would be descended from Maier's son Theodore and I'm descended from Maier's daughter Delia. And I know that Rabbi Francken is likely a third cousin somehow but I can't remember how. Trying to contact them to see if they have any Maier stuff.
I've been reading the Journal & Courier from 1877 lately (hence the multiple microfilm machines). The one in the Bothell library, yes, very good, works, staff knows how to fix it, they will provide me with dimes. Very satisfactory relationship. I went today to a family history center run by a prominent church. Nice facility, nobody there on this raw February afternoon. Staffed by very nice older ladies. Who were pleasantly completely unhelpful. I could have used some solid information. Like how the land records workd. Plus they couldn't get their microfilm machine printer to work. "Have you tried google?" one asks.....
A tree to get us all in the mood....
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