Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Photoessay #1950 - Some faves

Check out outwardlink.net My piece "A person of color" is up there.

Today was a day when, towards the middle of the afternoon, I thought, what's for today?

So, open your mind, and something will come.

After my afternoon thoughts, I acquired two of my current favorite things:

Stem and leaf tangerines from Ranch 99
Andrographis Complex from my doctor

These two things are related....Ranch 99 (big Asian market out of the Bay Area) is right on my way home. I don't know about the other stores but this market took over a full-sized KMart. Huge asian market. I freely admit that I don't know what 95% of the things in that place are. When I brought Natsuko (from Japan) she said there would be no need to bring over special Japanese food because it was all there and good prices too.

These tangerine taste sweet and peel really easily. Kinda pretty with the leaf. I really like them but the other stores don't have them.

This Andrographis stuff, offers naturopathic support for the immune system. You know how sometimes you think you're coming down with something? You feel so tired, you just want to go to bed? Several times over the last few months, I've felt that way. Pop a couple of these babies and the next day, I've felt fine. I skip that sick part. And, several times, when a few days later, I've started to sneeze and get all congested. I've taken a few and the next day, the cold is all gone.

Serious, this stuff works great!

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