Monday, February 6, 2012

Photoessay #1949 - Night night

We had a larger carpet style bed for our dog Teddy. However I noticed him wadding and twisting it into a smaller shape. On impulse, I bought a smaller dog bed (with pillow) at Costco. Turns out that our large white cat George loves the pillow on the back of the sofa and Teddy much prefers this smaller bed. It must be a dog thing to somehow shoehorn yourself into a small space. He much prefers this new bed but I don't know how long it will last under such body pressure.

So here's the pet 'night night' scene in the living room last night with Starbaby (the cat ruler of all she sees) bedding down right next to Teddy. I think she soon moved to the rocking chair in the background. But Ted's all comfy how he likes it.

Next is an aerial shot showing how it's done; how you practically have your back feet in your face. But he likes it.

I worked all weekend starting to write my paper. I'm deciding that I'm going to take a lot of the devotional exercise controversy out of the paper for the class. It's just too much. I still intend to write it but have it stand-alone hopefully for publication.

Much thanks to my friend Anne who I'm meeting on Sunday nights to work on our writing.

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