i would like to report that I spent several hours on my paper this morning. I've written two sentences.
Here they are:
On November 30, 1877, the New Haven Board of Education voted 5-3 to discontinue the religious exercises at the start of each school day. Specifically, the Board repealed rule 4 Section 27 of the School Manual on the unanimous recommendation of the three member Committee on Schools, consisting of John E. Earle, M. Frank Taylor and Maier Zunder.
I haven't figured out exactly to handle the footnotes and bibliography. My professor LOVES proper citation. He LIVES for proper citation. But I can't quite seem to get the whole WORD thing to work especially if you will have one bibliography for the entire paper and you want to include annotations. It just doesn't hang together. My professor looks at me blankly when I ask. See, when he reads his work, he's got it hand-written double spaced on yellow legal paper. I'm not kidding. And he's not old either.
So I'm thinking this has to be a computer assisted hand operation. I know, I know, this is going to go faster once I really get going. I'm still intimidating myself.
Plus I just realized this morning that I truly need newspaper articles from BEFORE Dec 1877. Like November and maybe even, gulp, October.
OK, I know this is just for my class and it's not supposed to be like, a book, or something. Or is it???
Beautiful weather, I'm opening the windows for the second day in a row. I remember, when we first moved here and some friends came up to visit from California. It was a beautiful day, maybe in the upper 50s. Whoooeeee, open those windows, let the fresh air in, oh yeah, it's so nice. They couldn't believe it, they were freezing.
I hear today, that our new favorite tiny mexican place makes mole on Saturday. So we best check that out.
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