Sunday, July 31, 2011

Photoessay #1467 - Moveout

Helped today with a Changes Moveout. Sometimes allowing your young adult child to live with you enables their drug use and other bad behavior. When you can always go home whenever you want and have a place to stay and the goodies that go along with it, why get on the straight and narrow? It's working just fine the way it is.

So, in a Changes moveout, the parent gives the young adult a letter stating that they need to move out (including all of their things) by a certain date. And if they don't, a group of people will come over to move their things. There is a potential for violence and, if that happens, we immediately abort the moveout plan. At least for that day.

Usually the young adult is not home which makes it way easier. Still, it took 14 adults 3 hours to move this young man's items from his room to a storage unit. The young person is then given the key to the storage unit. So you're not moving him, you're moving his things. And this parent had done a lot of preparation.

I thought it was a little soon, but the drug counselor really made it clear to this parent that allowing him to live at her home was enabling his increasingly dangerous drug use.

So we did it. I really worked at not lifting things. I did pack his entire closet though. Thanks to A.C. who packed the truck and then packed the storage unit.

But it is exhausting and I'm pretty tired.

But this part is done.

Picture of UHaul truck taken from somebody else's blog ( Used without permissiion.

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