Thursday, May 5, 2011

Photoessay #1282 - Re-teaching

Many times this year, I've taken the topics and readings of my Memoir Certificate class and re-taught the members of my Inner Circle, my writing group from the Guided Autobiography class of last summer. The other members really would consider taking the class but the time, location and money doesn't always work out. But they are always interested in what that other class is doing.

I've told Theo that I'm sharing the information with this smaller group and she liked the idea.

Today, I brought the books including Ann Lamont's Traveling Mercies and David Shield's Reality Hunger and particularly talked about Patricia Hampl's essay on memory and imagination. It pertained particularly to the assignment that we put ourselves up to for this week. We each brought an item and chose one to write about. Still as memoir. The obvious problem shows at once. The scarlet dancing doll belongs to April, how can the others tell a story of an object we've only just now seen. We haven't seen what Sarah or Sally has written. I used the doll as a substitute in a story I told about my mom going over through the things in her basement. Karen used a description of the doll's costume in a piece about dancing. April told the 'real' story of how the doll had called to her and bounced on her rear view mirror representing an alter-April.

We considered what to do next time. April suggested "What are you doing in your other class?" I proposed that we try to do the triptych essay. You write three short pieces around a central theme and then take the pieces and assemble them into one piece. I know I wasn't explaining it too well but April and Karen were game to try.

Why not? Let's give it a try!

Picture taken from a page from talking about using your own personal stories in a children's ministry. Used without permission.

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