Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Photoessay #902 - Uncle Jerry cooks

Assuming that I find my camera, I will feature some pictures (maybe some in focus but no promises) of the dinner cooked by Uncle Jerry. Brie with sweet blackberry sauce, brie with spicy raspberry sauce, pork medallions with noodles, green beans almondine (a specialty) and warm apples (another jerry specialty). All delicious with a boston cream pie for dessert. And I didn't even cook any of it. I had a great talk especially with Linda about memoir, this kind of blog.

Some months ago, after a personal story on Vinyl Cafe, a Canadian show carried on our local NPR statiion, the host interred "and it really happened. And it must have mattered" It meant something to me or to somebody around me. To even remember the story, to even make it a story. Since I print these out, maybe these stories, things important to ME will be passed on.

Great dinner though, loved all of it. Very nice time. I'm hoping for better health for Nancy. I'm thankful that a young man may not be tried as an adult. I want my daughter's page job to continue. In these hard economic times, when staff is re-assigned, being at the bottom of the food chain doesn't work so well.

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