Thursday, November 26, 2009

Photoessay #903 - Thanksgiving

This year's main event Thanksgiving group shot. Low key and relaxed; I love this holiday. I know I put on two big dinners but really no stress. This year especially because Dennis, Ilana and Naomi physically handled the turkey and everybody chipped in and we got it cleaned up in no time. 20 pound turkey, done in 4 hours...hey we even used the meat thermometer for the doubters. Not that much left over.

Susanna and Alice made this very rich homemade chocolate cake, reminded me of cakes I used to make back in the day, we called them super chocs. Susanna especially was very proud of the cake. No gravy disaster like on sunday. Afterwards, I realized we didn't have any milk or apple juice but, guess what, the stores are closed. Told Ilana and Naomi they would just have to get along with sparkling cider until tomorrow.

Ilana's has declared a family tradition, she plays Alice's Restaurant and then Perry et al talk about the sixties.

Here's the group excepting Ben who's always late so never makes the picture. Rockford folks note the gourds that I bought at the vegetable stand just about ready to close for the season in Poplar Grove a few weeks ago. Afterwards, just a comfortable time talking in the living room having seconds on dessert with whipped cream. Teddy was a good dog, didn't jump up on people. Today, we were working on 'drop it' and twirl. He proudly demonstrated heel, sit and lay down for the guests many times.

My friend was reminiscing at Parent Group last night. She recalled Thanksgivings at her grandmothers as a child. After dinner, they would all sit together by the fireplace, the women would take out their knitting and the adults would crack nuts and thrown the shells in the fire. A time for everybody to catch up with one another; they would talk into the night until one or two in the morning. Some would spend the night and, she recalls, that was really fun.

I love Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday.

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