Friday, August 9, 2024

Ilana's birthday is tomorrow

She will be 38!

She requested a picture of her on the blog.  And I didn't know where to stop!

I'll start with our trip to Washington DC.  Ilana was 11 and her sibs were 8, 13, 15.  We weren't going anywhere.  But they were doing a unit on Washington DC at school.  She came home every day and said "If I went to Washington DC, I would want to go the Library of Congress" or "the Lincoln Memorial.  etc.  Finally I said, "Let's go to Washington DC!!"  And we did.  Somehow I pulled it off, don't ask me how.  Many thanks to my cousin June who lived there and let us stay with them.  That was before digital cameras.  I have no idea where the original prints are now.  But there we are in Washington DC!

Note: some random birthday party at the bottom.

I'm including the Ilana extravaganza picture which I might have featured earlier.  All those school photos!

How could I leave the last one out.  That was Grandma Ann's deck on her Whidbey Island house (I think)  Anyway we were up there, maybe I wasn't there.  Anyway two year old Ilana is telling her Uncle Dave a story.  He's just sitting listening there as she goes on and on.  She's also dancing it out and he can't understand a word of it.

Happy Birthday Ilana!

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