Sunday, June 26, 2022

Frankie in DC

 Frankie's not sure he's up on Washington DC.  In front of the Library of Congress.  This was their first big trip.  Ilana had the ALA conference so Matt and Frankie came along.  Naomi also traveled and met them there.  To help out.  They might be coming home tomorrow.

Ilana and I went to Washington DC for a few days 1997 when she was 11.  They were studying it in school.  Every day she would come home and say 'If I went to Washington I would see the Washington Monument, the White House, etc"  So finally I said, "Let's go to Washington DC!  Pretty hard with three other kids and not much money.  But we did it and I'm glad we did.  We were able to pick up some tours from some legislator.  We went on a bus tour.  We stayed with my cousin June.   I'm sure I have some pictures.

Yes I found one. 25 years ago!  Ilana and I standing in front of some building.

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