Friday, December 3, 2021

Melina's big step

My granddaughter Melina has passed her driving permit knowledge test!  She has been stuck on this 'getting a drivers license' thing for many months.  She just couldn't figure out how to do it.  The Department of Licensing offices are closed, you have to make an appt and she couldn't figure out how to make an appt or how to get there.  The only places to give the knowledge test were far away and you couldn't get an appt.

Let's be real, I couldn't figure it out either.

But last week a brand new member of parent group gave me the important info.  He called me up after the meeting and gave me the missing link!  The private drivers schools give the test for a fee and they  can log in and show you passed it.

I look at the private schools in Puyallup and they say they do this.  How did we not know?  I text Melina, she gets it, her mom took her to one on her next day off (today), paid her money, took the test and passed!  She calls and tells me!  Next step is to get to the DOL office and get her permit.  Possibly you might be able to just show up and get in, that's the underground skinny.  She's going to try it.

Congratulations Melina for passing the knowledge test!!!

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