Sunday, January 3, 2021

Seattle Pops/Seattle Times


From the Seattle Times today.  They ran a number of short pieces of small businesses and workers asking how they were getting through pandemic: 

We made it through 2020 by limiting our overhead costs — which meant we had to close our shop and hold out until spring 2021. We also dove pretty heavily into our savings. Apart from saving on overhead costs, one of the reasons for closing the shop this summer was to take care of ourselves mentally and physically. The toll of running a business during a pandemic was initially very intense and draining. My own mental health was suffering and making the very hard decision to temporarily close was the right thing to do. Since the shop has been closed in July, we have been offering seasonal Pop Packs for delivery and pickup. The support has been amazing and kept our spirits high while keeping us financially afloat. We have just completed our Holiday Pop Packs and will have our New Year Pack in January.

“My wife, Suzie, and I took an RV trip to national parks in Utah and went camping a few times. It was a nice change to enjoy the summer outside of work, for the first time in seven years, but we are looking forward to seeing our customers again! We are hopeful we will be back in the farmers markets in 2021, which are always a fun and thriving community to be part of. It will be great to have the shop open again and able to rehire some of our old team members and hire new members. Getting pops to the people is our mission for 2021!” 

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