Thursday, January 7, 2021

Capitol Calamity

Of all the pictures broadcast or featured with the Capital Building riot, I choose this one of two men in suits (Congressmen?  Staff?) in the House or Senate clearly terrified helping men helping each other flee the room.  Unclear if the rooms had been actually breached, if there was pounding on the door, what?  But these two are panicked and afraid.  Is that a security person guiding them?

There's urgency and terror here.

Of course, they knew it was coming.  Even in my own newspaper, Seattle Times, 1/7/2021 pg A3.  "Proud Boys leader barred from DC as protests brew"  It was all there about the hundreds of supports who were protesting the vote in the electoral college.

As my doctors said today, why do I let you steal my time like this?"   I did watch the proceedings until about 10 pm Pacific.

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