Sunday, August 2, 2020

Naomi made an offer...

Naomi made an offer and it was accepted on the first day on the market.  I know there's still a lot to go by before she closes.  But here it is!  Naomi's new house.  We saw it that first day.  Again close.  Susanna and Megan are about 1/2 mile from us.  Go another 1/4  mile and you're at Naomi's.  Now we just have to get Danny closeby.  It's small less than 1000 sq ft.  2 bedrooms 1.5 baths.  Has a family room.  Kind of on a main street but it's perched above the street. by a stop sign so you don't notice the noise too much.  She had an inspection done, came out good.  50 years old.  A lot of hardwood floors, the yard is set up nicely.  the house flows nicely especially for a single person living there.  So hoping all goes smoothly!!!

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