Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Out to lunch with Trina and Scott

Dennis and I went to lunch with our friend Trina and Scott today.  This is an old picture of Trina and I from 2016; From UW?  Or Third Place Books.  I first met Trina in 1980 when we were both working for ADP.  She had just moved from Washington DC to Seattle.  A long while ago, through the thick and thin.  When we got in touch again after several years, we decided to have lunch once/month.  When she retired (I convinced her she could), we also included the hubbies (Dennis and her second Scott).  But I quickly realized it was a different conversation when the hubbies were there so we decided to alternate.  That has worked well for everybody.  The hubbies like to come but not all that often.

Today was a hubby lunch; we went to a new to us place.  Dennis, Trina and I had all ordered salad.  Scott had fries.  When he was going to not finish them ... well we were all happy with our salads but we all wanted those fries.  Scott looked amused as we finished them off.

It works well.

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