Saturday, January 20, 2018

Womyn's March 2018

Picture taken from Seattle Times video feed:  Now 2:45, Dennis texted me about 1/2 hour ago that he made it to Seattle Center, the end of the march.

Today is the day of the second Womyn's March.  I marched part of it last year; it was fun.  With my friend Mary Ann, her friend Claire and Dennis.  This time I'm having troubles with my knees and feet and ankles and I just didn't know if I could do it.  With a few treatments, some fancy topical stuff and reassurance that it wasn't cardio, I feel pretty good.  That march was considerably shorter; I almost felt I could do it.  Almost.  I decided not to do it.  Dennis is doing it solo wearing my pussy hat.  He met friend Peter Henry.  There "I see him every demonstration I go to" he texted me.

So I'm sad I'm not down there; it was fun last year.  Seattle is such a blue city, who could pass it up?

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