Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday in CT

Today, I spent 1/2 hour or so talking to Cecelia Bucki, my editor (and also the head of this conference).  So great, I so appreciate it.  We informally chatted, talked about the local history people that we knew, swapped lies, you know.  

She told her graduate students a bit earlier that my paper from Fall 2012 was a 'great read'.  Wow am I proud or what?  

That one of the reasons we came a day earlier, I was hoping to do that.  We didn't get to see the space, she was going to use the classrooms on the first floor of an adjoining building so we didn't really get to see where.  But in checking the remote, we realized that it had been nudged on and the batteries were dead, glad we found out today.

I'm surprised, Fairfield is not a very pretty campus.  Nothing has budded out yet and it was cold and nasty today.  Buildings are mid-century yellow brick.  Fairfield itself is hard to figure out.  I have my cousin's garman, we would never have gotten around otherwise.

But the highlight was spending time with my editor.

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