Monday, March 24, 2014

Photoessay #2883 - Baby Starbaby

Looking at our online photos, this shot is from a folder marked 2004.

A picture of kitten Starbaby.  That means our little empress of the known universe is 10 years old.  She's showing that attitude that still prevails.  She does what she wants and she doesn't care a bit what you think.  Not even a little.  Her major emotion is indignation.  The very idea that she would have anything to do with you.  Well, she doesn't think so.

Starbaby doesn't even take suggestions.

She has trained two large dogs to do her bidding.  A dog in the household where she was born helped take care of the kittens so she's always looked at dogs as people to do as she commands.  Shadow, our former dog, was a complete sucker for her.  And Teddy too.  You've seen the sunbathing pictures.  She sets that up.  She has bit of a S&M streak as she likes for the dog to chew her up and drag her around.

No doubt about it, this cat has always been a bit weird.  Dennis insists that she gives good entertainment value.

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