Friday, March 21, 2014

Photoessay #2880 - UW Cherry Blossoms

The cherry trees on the Liberal Arts Quad have burst into bloom.  Too bad they will be at their peak during spring break. 

I traveled there this afternoon after my monthly lunch with my friend and the inevitable stop at the large grocery store that sells kosher meat.  Friday of finals week.  Plenty of people there but I sensed that everybody I saw was heaving a sign of relief and release.  Done with finals.  Finally over.

I took this picture off of the UW website but it looks very similar to the sight I saw today and other years.  Am I really talking years of being at UW.  I guess so.

Something about these blooming cherry trees draws people to linger.  To hang out around the trees, to sit underneath them, to take pictures of your friends near them.

I think that the Japanese have this same kind of habit with the cherry blossoms.  We thought we would see it when we made our trip to Japan but we were too late in the south and too early in the north.

Something about them.

Good news, the prof teaching the digital history class let me in.  Previously he wasn't.  I think that blog entry has raised my stock around there.   So I can hang out there as an access student as long as I want.  Also a great conversation with the director at UCSC Hillel.  He gave me some great contacts.

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