Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Photoessay #2863 - Alumni weekend

Every year I'm notified about the UCSC alumni weekend.  And every year I don't go.  For a long time it was softball season.  This year I'm going on a trip to speak in Connecticut the first week in April.

The alumni weekend is towards the end of April.  Wonder if there will be anything for a 40th Crown reunion?  Oh wait, must lose 40 pounds before then.  Right, that always stands in your way.

Plus I find that I might not remember many people.  I did go once in the 1980s.  I remember telling people I had 3 kids.  Naomi was born in 1989 so....  I walked around with JJ and got quite a kick at how people related to us.  As usual, people responded strongly to her (she's got a big presence and personality) and then looked vaguely at me like maybe they might remember me.  I thought, wasn't that always the way.

But one year, I'm going to go.  If only because of the landscape.  I remember thinking the UCSC campus was the most beautiful place I knew when I became a student there.  And I still think that.

Plus it might be sunny.

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