Saturday, February 1, 2014

Photoessay #2855 - Rep Meeting

One of the main jobs I do for parent group is to convene a 'Representative' meeting every several months.  The reps from all five chapters come as well as parts of the organizations Board.  The idea is to have the chapter leadership to have a place to discuss what's going on, get to know each other, exchange ideas.

I held one this afternoon and everybody EVERYBODY came.  I think that's pretty darn good.  Every single rep.  A few are both reps and Board members.  In addition three other Boad members came.  It felt good to have everybody around the table.  "Solid", Peter said.  That's a good feeling for an all volunteer group dealing with difficult family situations.

The picture is some final setup when we realized we would need more tables.  More people will come and 18 eventually will sit around the four tables.  We assembled orientation packets while we talked.

I'm always kind of nervous that it won't go well.  But discussion was lively; we started not too much after 1 and I ended it just a short time after the 3pm end time.

So a success I think.  I had an agenda but the idea was more for the members of the different chapters to talk about what was on their mind.  This time, I didn't call for refreshments, brought some tangerines, store-bought cookies and some of Dennis' almonds.  And this time, people brought even more food, off to the left.

When I walked into this meeting room just a short time before, a full scale family Chinese New Year even was just cleaning up.  Perfect timing and another transformation of the space.

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