Saturday, January 25, 2014

Photoessay #2848 - Writing Groups/Rattle Top Basket

I belong to a writing group, actually two of them.

The first one, we dubbed, The Inner Circle, has 3 active members left. OK maybe 3 1/2.  Our new name is the Poker Group.  We've met for 3 1/2 years.  One of the members was the caregiver of her partner who died about a year ago.  For a long time, we met at her house because she didn't feel comfortable leaving.  Her partner said at one point "I don't know, April brings over these friends and they sit around and tell stories and play poker!"  That member just had a piece published in NW Primetime which I mentioned on my blog.  She's pleased as punch.  The other is working hard on a long piece about her husband's recent kidney transplant.  She's got a new structure for it and it's sounding very good.

The other group formed out of the memoir group.  Right now, there's four people in that group.  One member is working on young adult novel based on her grandmother's emigration from Mexico at the turn of the century.  I'm so proud because I thought of the title.  Another is working on a narrative of her daughter and mother's struggles with drug and alcohol addiction.  I just finished editing a piece from another member who owns an art gallery specializing in Northwest Native American art.  She's writing about a rare find, a painted Haida rattle top basket.  Now part of the Burke Museum collection.  Pictured!

Who do I write about?  Yeah, you already know.  All of these people know all about Maier Zunder.  Plus some memoir pieces.

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