Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Photoessay #2841 - Parsnips/Rutabagas

We have a lot of buttermilk left from waffle/layer cake holiday cooking.  I mentioned this to Naomi.  She responded that, as far as she knew, she was forbidden from baking.  Oh, right, that's true.  She does wonderful baking.  But, dear readers, you know how it is in January.  Even when I decree that  no Christmas cookies or candy will be made or even let into the house...well you know how well that works.  Large amounts just appear magically.  I love them as much as the next person.  And probably eat more than my share.

I looked for some other buttermilk recipes.  I found this root vegetable recipe.  I knew it would be weird but I thought I would give it a try.  Called for celeraic root, that's weird right there.  And also rutabaga.  I admit being vague about rutabagas.  But at the store, they had a price for turnips and another for rutabagas.  Above two rooty vegetables.  Using inference (or is it deduction?), I recognized turnips so figured the other was rutabaga.  So I made it.  And it did come out pretty weird.  Not sure that anybody will want to eat the leftovers.

It tasted kinda sweet.

I began to wonder.  Had I really bought rutabaga?

And internet search proved that rutabagas really look like turnips.  What did I buy?  Parsnips!!!

Kind of carroty things.

I hate it when that happens, comments Dennis.

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