Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Photoessay #2840 - New quarter!

And a new class.  Yay!

This quarter I'm taking "Jewish Women in Contemporary America; Activists for Social Justice" taught by the Jackson School for International Studies and the Gender,Women and Sexuality Studies.  Another 400 level class.  I didn't know about the social activism piece which doesn't interest me so much.  But, unlike some others, I think 'hey, I could learn about this for 10 weeks, why not?'.

So I'm happening, I'm in the class.  Only 11 in the class so far.  It's not a required class for anything, a mix of students; I'm the only access student.

Apparently in Thomson, an older building near the central part of the campus (which many feel could be bulldozed) has a chair dialectic going on.  Apparently, there's not enough chairs.  So, people hoard them to make sure that their students have a seat (literally).  In fact, we almost were sent out on missions to kipe chairs from other rooms.  But a facility service person came and took charge and he 'found' chairs in other places.  Not like Denny where there was a whole colony of discarded desk chairs outside of the door of the seminar room on the top floor which seemed to replicate in haphazard and mongrel ways.

See, the things you would not know if you weren't there.

Also, I realized that most of my professors in these last seven quarters have been men.  And I wanted to change that.

This will be fun!  I still can't believe they let me do this!

Picture of my professor for my new class.

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