Friday, December 20, 2013

Photoessay #2822 - Thanks to my husband

So, just as Cliff said, it snowed overnight.  When Cliff Mass, weather professional says it is going to snow with very high confidence in bold letters; then it is going to snow.  You can take it to the bank.  He's in charge of all weather.  He also said that it would change to rain.

In Seattle, when it snows, the whole place falls apart.  Nobody goes anywhere, everybody stays home for work, general panic sets in.

My husband prepared by taking stuff home so he could work from home.  They were doing some big deal.  The end of the year is always super busy for health insurance companies, this year more than ever.

I had a dentist appointment to have a gold crown put in.  I have the temporary filling which has already fallen out once.  They told me that, if I didn't come this morning, it would be a week before I could get it put on.

With all of those holiday meals.

You definitely do not want me driving in snow.  Usually it's fine once you get out of our neighborhood.  That's the hard part.  And the greater Seattle area has like 3 snow plows.  Maybe a few more than that, but still.

So I moaned and groaned; he said he really had to do this conversion thing.  I said that they couldn't take me later.

 Of course, he relented and drove me to the dentist.  He stopped doing his work thing.

Because that's how he is.  He will always help.

Many people have told me over the years that I chose well in regards to my husband.  They are right.

Picture from his linkedin entry.  With his fellow white boy, George our semi-domesticated cat.  Who only likes him.

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