Monday, December 16, 2013

Photoessay #2818 - Happy Birthday Naomi!

Naomi, my youngest, is 24 years old today!  Who can believe it?  Because she is my baby, the youngest (like my sister), nobody can believe she's grown up!

This picture, maybe a polaroid, has my late mother in law's writing on the back, saying the picture was taken on Christmas Eve 1989, 8 days old.  Some damage to the image, I can look splotchy but not that splotchy.  Plus this picture has been up on the bulletin board for years.

She was a little one; I took her home at less than 5 pounds. 3 weeks premature.  Or something.  It was one of those kind of pregnancies; I didn't know I was pregnant until the middle of the second trimester.  Don't ask.

It took us awhile to get that family formation thing going but then we got carried away; having 4 children in seven years.  A huge impact on my adult life, to be sure.

There she is, so teeny tiny.  The pediatrician made me bring her in twice/week for first few weeks because she was so little.  The nurses used to scream when they weighed her because she was so small.

But now she's all grown up; getting ready to do her student teaching at an elementary school after the first of the year.

She's upstairs making her own birthday cake.

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