Saturday, September 21, 2013

Photoessay #2446 - Nobody could save him

People packed the room, standing room only.  And cookies and punch, tons and tons of cookies put together by the PTA.

But still, an event that you never never want to attend.  A memorial for a child of a friend.  I hate going to memorials of  other people's children.

It's never any good.

But I would like to call out the names of other young people gone too soon

Matthew Mark
Edward Curran
Kristin Jardine
Eric Winges
Luke Defiesta
Kathleen McCarthy

Too long a list.

This young man led a complex troubled life.  The family chose not to have an open mic.  One of his friends, a few of his teachers, then his brother and sister spoke.

His younger sister put together two slide shows set to music.  The message that came through to me from her show was "This is an intact functional loving family.  We do things and go places together.  Mom, Dad, three kids.  Together."

Lukas tried to convince people otherwise.  But the family held.

Great job Lani.  A warm tribute to your brother Lukas.

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