Friday, September 20, 2013

Photoessay #2445 - Faces of Morris Baumann

The person who maintains the Schmeiheim page on Jewishgen asked me to write a short biography of Morris Baumann to include.  Schemeiheim is a village in the area of Germany formerly known as Baden very close to the French border.

Morris Baumann (1857-1937), my great grandfather, was born as Maier, the youngest of seven children and the only one to emigrate to the US.  He built a successful rubber manufacturing company in New Haven, Connecticut until a commodities crisis caused the company to fail in 1928.

So I've been collecting the pictures I have from various places.  I'm terrible at spatial organization which is why I work on geneaology, it just as messed up as when I began.

One picture my third cousin Sue Geiger who does a terrific job with the Lederer family, supposedly shows a young Morris Baumann.  I've isolated the faces of Morris that I have...I don't think it's him.  For one thing, he's wearing glasses and none of the other pictures show a man with glasses.  The picture in question is the last one.

Let me know what you think.  I have no idea why these pictures show up in different sizes.

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