Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Photoessay #2868 - Chilly Cemetery

Charlie, Mary Ann and I had a great time today.

But it's very extremely cold here.  Like 15 or below.  So, it was a bracing tour of the Mishkan Israel Cemetery.  The day we buried my parents was so hot, it felt like arrows shot at your skin.  And last time, we had a terrible time finding the markers because of so much autumn leavesd.

Today it was all out freezing cold here.  Way under freezing with a  bit of a breeze.  But we still went out and made the tour.  Found my parents and all of that Zunder Weil clan.  Even Max Adler.  Everybody was where they should be.

My cousin Mary Ann and her husband Denny come out twice/year and clean everybody all up.  I'm very grateful.

We spent the first part of the day at the Ethnic Heritage Center taking a complete image inventory of the rest of volume 2.  We worked steadily all morning, even those entries after 1901.  Then off to Standard Apizza for clam pizza.  Then cruised into the Institute Library, great place, not odd really, just unusual.

Our plan is to break the Yale barrier tomorrow.

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