Sunday, December 23, 2012

Photoessay #2837 - Some translations!

Some entries in the Maier Zunder scrapbooks are 19th century German language articles.  Sometimes I can pick out what they're about. Nott too many? 10 maybe.  But if I'm going to write about the scrapbook, I've got to know what they say.

A friend of Naomi is a German national; she's translated probably the most important one.  Very interesting results!  I'm tryinhg to figure out how much to pay her!

Interesting and insightful paragraph in the translateion:

But Mr. Zunder showed himself to be a different man and stands above the tricks and pitfalls of religious politicians; he provides for the good of the whole and second for the interests of his brothers in faith; he feels that it was not only their voice, but also the voice of other Germans and American citizens that gave him this position of trust for eleven years already, and he put personal wishes aside and worked within the interests of those whose trust he enjoys. Mr. Zunder showed himself worthy of his task in a highly satisfying way, and we hereby dedicate to him our fullest recognition for fine action; he didn’t act as a Jew, as a partisan German, but as an American citizen and is today more highly regarded by his fellow citizens than ever before.
Very worthwhile.  Now if I could figure out which paper it's from.  I have some lists of German language papers published in New Haven in the 1870s but nothing seems to match up yet.

I sent her another page.  I'm hoping this could be a great holiday break project for her!

Just that dead holiday time.  I made another one of those fabulous carrot cakes which I will dispense in small pieces at the xmas holiday events that I'm supposed to attend and bring food.  Really there ought to be a law against that cake.  Could it be the butter/sugar/buttermilk/vanilla syrup that you pour across the cooked cake when it's hot?   Then frost with the creamcheese frosting?   Definitely illegal.

Went to see April (inner circler) today; we're trying to support her as she goes through the transition with her partner.

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