Monday, December 10, 2012

Photoessay #2824 - The Lace

We've got a bunch of weddings coming up in my family.  Some official, some not.

Danny is getting married to Jessica in July in a downtown hotel.  Wedding bring up nutso things in family.  Turns out, we have some traditions, mostly coming out of my maternal grandmother's side.

a. The silver cake knife.  I think that this dates back to Maier Zunder's time.  My cousin thinks it might date back to the 1860s.  My grandmother used it, my mother used it, I used it, my sibs, my cousins.  My cousin has it.  She promises to send it.  She'll likely come but she's worried about carrying it.

b. The hankie.  I was a little vague on this one.  Or maybe I just don't remember.  Turns out that my mother gave my cousin several old embraidered handkerchiefs from I don't know where.  For brides to carry.  They get to keep it.  I gave it to Jessica, we've already hatched a plan so she doesn't lose it.

c. The lace.  This dates back to my great grandmother Delia Zunder Weil, youngest daughter of Maier Zunder.  Maybe farther but I don't think so.  She wore it on her wedding dress in 1894.  My grandmother did, my mother did, etc etc, I did.  My sister currently has the lace.  I offered it to Jessica, she seemed amenable.  We'll see.  If it works out fine.

Picture of Delia Zunder Weil in 1894 and me (with my father) in 1976.  See the lace?

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