Saturday, June 9, 2012

Photoessay #2073

Last night, Matt's mom and step-dad hosted his graduation party at Tat's Delicatessan in Pioneer Square.  Very delicious food.  We're having Matt and his various relatives (really only 5 of them) plus my group on Sunday.  Bethany didn't have quite as many people as she expected.  So there was tons of food leftover (and we all ate heartily).  Since I am having the party and they don't have any room for it, I took all of the leftovers.  We are talking major leftovers.  I had already bought some cold cuts at Costco yesterday which I'm sure I can use for something else.  Because if this all survives until tomorrow, well, there will be plenty for everybody.

They said it couldn't be done but we got everything in the fridge.  A giant thing of pastrami, beef and chicken plus lots of grilled onions, peppers and mushrooms.  A large grocery bag of french rolls that we've wrapper up tight so they'll be good.  Big thing of macaroni, potato and coleslaw.  Excellent salads.  Half of a quarter sheet gluten free carrot cake.  etc.

I'll still do my cake, I've ordered.  Plus I've made a lemon pie.  I'll make a big fruit plate.

I fixed up several group pictures of Matt's family which I printed out and will give to them tomorrow.  I'll include two of my favorite shots though.  One rather overdone shot straight out of the camera of the space needle and fabulous cloud taken from the freeway. 

Matt received, as a gift, some kind of thingy with a ball that levitates.  Somhow.  Anyway, lots of people had fun trying to get it to work.  A friend insisted it was her social work degree which helped her to get it to work.  She was the best.  Here, Matt is trying.

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