Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Photoessay #2027 - Too many suitcases

Too illustrate a point or generally to goad us into action.  Dennis dragged down all the suitcases we've somehow accumulated over the years.  From his parents.  Or my parents.  Or who knows how.

We use a few of them with wheels.  Not exactly fine quality but work in our average airline use.  But, he points out, we do not need all the rest, especially the older ones without wheels.  So any family member or otherwise acquainted who might have use for some older suitcases, speak up!

Just a symptom of our larger issue.  You know the one, we've lived here 25 years,  have raised four kids (who also deposit things in our garage), we've had parents pass away and inherited bunches of items.  Plus Dennis parents, being dealers themselves, regularly dumped boxes of things on us.  Always easier to just throw them in a corner and not deal with them.

But the time is coming, all this kind of stuff has got to go.

Another sign of the times.  At the advice of my doctor, I asked Ilana to try to get weenie (accessible, easier) seats at the big graduation in Ann Arbor next week.

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