Thursday, March 22, 2012

Photoessay #1994 - Excerpts from a Journal

I'm writing a new program for parent group.  I gave it last night in Seattle, tonight in Shoreline and Monday in Des Moines.

Because I've been in the group so long, people figure that I've always known the answers.  But I kept a journal (as recommended) for the first year or so.  I thought it was lost but Dennis found it on an old backup disk or old computer or hidden away or something.  Wow, was it ever hard to read!  Let's just say that it took a full half box of Thin Mints to read it.  Very stressful.

I decided that I would excerpt from it for a program.  At the beginning, I say that a parent shared this journal with me.  It is not my journal.

Then I read the 10 entries and ask the parents at the meeting what advice or ideas they have for this parent.  And this parent is very clueless for a long time.

Then, at the end, I admit that it really is my journal.  It worked pretty well last night.  Lots of participation around the room (typical for the Seattle group).  I wrote it rather colorfully and I can delived it in a humorous way.  Timing is important.

I link to a picture here from a major UK newspaper.  This parent is so clueless she didn't get the punchline even here!

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