I may have figured out one of my two burning questions regarding Maier Zunder
One is why the heck Max Adler (his long time friend and colleague) ran against him for the Board of Education in 1889 and won on a rather bogus platform of free textbooks? I still don't get that.
My other question...I have a wonderful memorial address by Rabbi David Levy in a beautiful program given at a Horeb 'Lodge of Sorrow'. Check out the date. 1906.
Maier Zunder died in 1901. Why are they doing this *five* years later? It's a wonderful talk, I will use it in my epilogue. But it's hard to figure out what to do other than directly quote parts of it, it's so good.
But why five years later? I tried to convince myself that it was on the occasion of the merger between the Horeb Lodge founded by Maier Zunder (membership German Jews) and the Maier Zunder lodge (membership Eastern European Jews). But that happened in 1907.
The second picture contains the hint (if I'm right). There was a huge celebration of the Horeb's 25th anniversary in 1881. An afternoon program of addresses (pictured)with an address by M. Xunder followed by a big banquet and a formal ball. Elaborate decorations. Three columns on the front page of the New Haven Register.
I believe that this address was given on the occasion of the Horeb Lodge's 50th anniversary. 1856-1906.The address given in honor of the Lodge's founder Maier Zunder.
Could be....
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