Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Photoessay #1930 - Soooo close!

I freely admit it. I'm one of those annoying clients who dismiss the idea of a gas fireplace in July when we have everything torn apart and then decide in December that I must have it! In fact, I must have it NOW in the middle of the biggest snowstorm.

I convinced James to come over yesterday. We knew the fireplace was in; James went over to pick it up in his small truck and came over and started installing it. He had already put in the gas piping. I plied him with pineapple upside down cake. It's almost installed, so close!

But today is the biggest day of the storm. He wrote, said it looked too scary right now, would re-assess in the afternoon. I replied that Cliff Maas, THE weather guru of Seattle, the guy who knows, in fact he's in charge of everything meteorological around here says, he SAYS the precipitation will be over by 1pm (currently 11:30). However there is about 3 inches on the ground which is pretty daunting.

Yesterday, I was stunned that a truck with a plow came into our cul de sac. Unheard of! Never has happened ever! But they did such a lousy job, just went around and backed up and left. Nothing was any better at all! What's the deal! Such snow amateurs around here.

When James was doing the installation, he found this picture. Looks completely unfamiliar. I'm guessing this is 1986 and that's baby Ilana on the right. This isn't our house (never had a couch like that) but I was part of a baby group with Ilana (even though it was my 3rd child). My mother had made a yellow baby sweater and that baby's got on pink bootees, the kind that my mom (and now Naomi) made. She was small by birthweight.

A blast into the past. Isn't everything? She's 25 now. She called me today excited that she got a phone interview.

So if I could just convince James to come and finish it. But it has something to do with the roof so I dunno.....

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