Monday, January 9, 2012

Photoessay #1920 - I'm on a roll!

I've had two writing pieces accepted for publication in the last 4 days. Recently I had collected a large number of rejections. I was discouraged, I wondered if I should continue. I had received something like 24 rejections in a row.

But things are looking up in the new year. I received an acceptance from an online journal Milk Sugar for "Sleepy Sickness". Readers of this blog will remember how I was investigating my husband's grandmother and encephalitis lethargica.

This encouraged me ( a bad sign!). I really only had one piece 'ready' left. "Person of Color", it's about when I realized I was not white and Jewish identity issues. I wrote it as a 'risk' piece for Theo's Memoir 2.0 class.

So I started in going through Duotrope looking for some possible places. I found Sounded good:
Welcoming writers of all ages, backgrounds, capabilities, cultures, ethnicities, faiths, genders, nationalities, and orientations who seek to advance the dialog of diversity within their communities and throughout the world.

That fit my piece pretty darn well. I sent it off. And it's already accepted! I'm very pleased. That's four essays accepted since the summer.

My writing is not up yet on either of these sites. Milk Sugar says Feb 1 and says a few weeks.

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