Friday, July 29, 2011

Photoessay #1465 - Make a film in 15 minutes

Last night at photography class, the teacher announced around 7:30 pm that we would have a 15 minute break. We all were to go outside and shoot a film (using stills) in 15 minutes. Three shots, more if you really need it.

She wrote 10 film genres on the board and we all were assigned one. I had Documentary which I thought would be pretty easy. I went out with classmate Lori who had Science Fiction.

I submit my documentary. Title: Tonya finds her class. Starring Tonya, our assistant teacher.

Here are two narratives

Tonya finds her class

Tonya doesn't know how to find her class. She studies the map of Edmonds Community College.

"Oh, here's the building!", she exclaims. "It's right around here!"

Turns around and she's right in front of the correct building.

"I found it!"

Hmmmm, this might be drama

Here's another narrative.

Finding your classes at Edmonds Community Ciollege might seem difficult the first day. Large clear maps of the college are posted through out the campus. Check the map to find the building on the map. You might be closer than you think!

Here Tonya is able to find her class.

PS there's a bonus in that third picture. Remember, Lori had Science Fiction? In the background, you can see her taking shots of the fancy light post. She took it from several angles to show the evil ball of light \emerging from the cocoon to spread a deadly virus (algae on cement block) that could destroy the world.

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