Thursday, July 14, 2011

Photoessay #1450 - Surprises on a Road Trip

Recently, Dennis and I took a road trip to California. I came back with the idea of using California as an overall theme for some writing though I have not figured out a way to structure it.

A few days before we went, I went to hear a friend of mine speak about new steps we could take in our life. She's a life coach, check her site out. She suggested taking a road trip. When you leave town and find things on your way. Explore what you expect and what you don't. In a way, Dennis and I did that. We packed up the car, had some plans of where to stay and took off. Actually, our main destination was the high Sierra. Which I loved. I think that might be a thing with me for awhile.

And the California light, we were after that too. As I sit on a Seattle afternoon. In July. Raining. Dark.

Part of the fun can be the new folks you might meet on the way. Like these youngsters, some teenage goslings we saw on the banks of Rogue River in Grants Pass. They were busy and cute. The mama Canadian geese vigilantly watched over them. You would not want to get close.

Other shot shows I-5 over the Oregon Cascades between Roseburg and Grants Pass. signals Road Trip to me!

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