Monday, July 4, 2011

Photoessay #1440 - Roses at evening time

We're home from our trip. 2155 miles in 9 days through some backroads and beautiful scenery. July 4th and we've always organized a party in our neighborhood. But so much turnover, kids grown up. It was extremely paltry last year. I knew we would be coming home today so I didn't bother sending out notices. But kind of sad to not having it happen. It was going strong when we moved in 24 years ago. We used to have lots of fireworks and the kids LOVED to clean up all that great burned out stuff the next morning. We also would play water balloon volleyball. So old and new.

As I mentioned, Dennis and I hung out in Eugene last night and this morning having a great time as usual. In the past, every time I wanted to go to the Owns Rose Garden, it would be the wrong season (spring) and nothing would be blooming. So we tried it last night and, well, I have never ever seen so many blossoming floribunda roses. Brilliant and just covering the bushes. Each huge bush was more spectacular than the last. Evening light, I was not sure how the light would work. This shot is straight out of the camera, no cropping or adjusting at all. One of my favorite bushes. The buds were pale golden yellow and the open blooms were soft white. So many of these flowering groups looked like they could be a bridal bouquet just on their own!

We got home around 3pm just driving the last segment from Eugene. Dennis and I always are focused on getting everything unpacked and put away. Cleaning out and washing the cooler and facing the kitchen. Matt and Naomi have been here all week, working and nursing Teddy who had a serious eye condition when we were gone.

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