Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photoessay #1321 - 2007 softball archive

This shot has historical significance for those in the collegiate softball fishbowl.

Two Pac 10 starting infielders doing pre-game warm up before a game. I saw this drill in college but not in high school or travel ball (or maybe I didn't notice). The starting second base and shortstop warm up just focusing on each other. They throw grounders to each other n quick succession focusing only on each other right before the game. I think it's to get in some kind of harmony. They will be called on during the game to work the middle infield together and each throw between them has to be quick and on the money.

This picture taken at a tournament at University of Hawaii in 2007.

Each will win honors for their position.

On the left is Susanna (Suzie Barnes to the softball world), my daughter, will win all Pac 10 honors (second team).

On the right is Jenn Salling who will win first team All American honors in this and subsequent years. But, after this, she will not play for the Oregon Ducks. She'll take a redshirt year to play on the Canadian National Team then drop off and will play the rest of her collegiate career (2009, 2010, 2011) for the University of Washington transferring in as a junior after completing her AA in community college to join her best friend Danielle Lawrie (2 time player of the year). Rumors of that deal were probably around even at the time this picture was taken.

But Susanna and Jenn were a great middle infield and I know they enjoyed playing together.

Most of the picture of Jenn Salling on the net are in Husky purple. She was very successful there winning many honors at Washington. I used to chat with her parents when I went to the UW games these last few years. There are a few pictures in the Oregon green and yellow.

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