Sunday, June 12, 2011

Photoessay #1319 - Another graduation?

I worked another graduation today as event staff for a branch campus. The ceremony was held at a big arena in the main campus. The branch campus sent over lots of people to help and generally run things. But they had a record number of graduates and I think they gave out maybe even more tickets than the place could hold.

Because it was full, so full and still people were in my tunnel. And I wasn't supposed to let people stand there. Handicapped was completely full, impaired mobility completely full, hardly any empty seats up or down on my side of the arena. And then a bunch of pregnant women showed up who didn't want to go up and down the stairs and I had to find some chairs for them. But I didn't have any chairs, etc etc.

Really hard work, just dealing with it all.

But (and this is a first), I had a radio and an headpiece. How do you like that? I felt extremely important. OK, I think I had it turned off most of the time by mistake, but still.

But they all graduated and the families were happy and nobody died.

Had a birthday party for Danny when I came home. Dennis had done everything I asked plus bought some flowers and got Melina. So it's all good.....

Funny about the program...I wanted one just for the image. At the end, one of the branch campus people were picking the extras up. I helped and kept one. Then a lady came and wanted one for her daughter. I gave her mine. Then I found one on one of the tables up front. A student came back into the arena looking for a program. I gave her mine. Then I picked one up on top of a garbage can. Nobody asked for this one.

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